Article created by-Connell Herman

The first people noticed in a crowded room are those with the brightest smiles. If for whatever reason, you’re teeth have looked a bit stained lately, have no fear! The following article is full of helpful tips and tricks to get your teeth looking brighter than they ever were before.

Daily flossing is essential to healthy teeth. Take a generous amount of dental floss and insert it gently between your teeth. Move the floss up from the gum on the side of each tooth. This will remove plaque that you can’t reach with your toothbrush and help keep your teeth their cleanest.

You may think that you only need to partake in brushing your teeth, but you must brush your tongue, too. Brushing your tongue helps to remove bacteria and food particles. A build up of bacteria on your tongue is the number one reason for bad breath.

You may be able to strengthen your teeth with fluoride supplements. Fluoride may be your best bet for eliminating gum irritation and teeth that appear stained all the time. If you use an excess of fluoride, you will see yellow patches on the surface of your teeth. If this occurs, stop the supplements and get rid of other fluoride sources from your diet.

Do hot and cold foods cause your teeth to ache? Make sure your toothpaste is designed for your condition and make an appointment to visit your dentist. This sensitivity can be caused by the inflammation of a nerve or the development of a cavity. You need to get these problems treated right away.

Vitamin deficiencies might result in tooth decay and gum issues. If you feel like your oral health needs help, consider taking a supplement for the B vitamins and other nutrients. Fruits and dairy products contain the nutrients needed for a healthy mouth.

If you are searching for a new dentist, you should read the reviews online that others have posted. Being requires a lot of care. Many people are afraid of the dentist, so if you can read some reviews of what others thought about the dentist before you make an appointment, it will help put your mind at ease.

Don’t assume that just because oranges and orange juice are touted as healthy for your body that they are healthy for your mouth. The acidic nature of this and related foods start wearing down on your enamel immediately. You can have them, but brush immediately after consuming anything involving heavy concentrations of oranges.

Some vitamin deficiencies cause gum problems and tooth decay. Check that your levels of vitamin B and calcium are in line with the daily recommended requirements. These vitamins are naturally found in fruits and dairy products and contribute to overall dental health.

If you would like great teeth, you need to avoid smoking. You will have better health generally as well as orally if you quit smoking. Many resources are available to help you with this process. As well, talk to your doctor when you are ready to quit. The doctor can help you!

There are several natural ways to whiten your teeth, so do not believe that spending a ton on whitening agents is your only option. Eating crunchy foods like celery, apples and carrots is a good way to naturally lift stains from teeth without the threat of damaging the enamel on them.

Never buy a mouthwash with alcohol in it! These products can dry out the mouth, letting bacteria go wild and causing bad breath. This really defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? It’s great to use mouthwash, but choose a natural option like mixing baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt and water as a rinse.

Calcium plays a huge role in tooth strength, so make sure you’re getting at least 500mg per day. If you’re not eating a lot of dairies, nuts or calcium-rich vegetables, take a supplement instead. This is the best way to avoid enamel problems or cavities down the road, so take it seriously.

If you’re a smoker, it’s time to quit for your dental care! Smoking is one of the worst things that you can do for the health of your mouth. Not only does it stain teeth and hurt your gums, it also puts you in jeopardy of oral cancer. You owe it to yourself to quit.

If you are not brushing for at least two minutes, you should try to increase your brushing time. In to do this, you can separate your mouth into four sections, such as your top teeth on your right side. Start brushing in one section, and continue until 30 seconds are up. Once the 30 seconds are up, move onto the next section.

Never buy a mouthwash with alcohol in it! These products can dry out the mouth, letting bacteria go wild and causing bad breath. This really defeats the purpose, doesn’t it? It’s great to use mouthwash, but choose a natural option like mixing baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, salt and water as a rinse.

When choosing a toothpaste, make sure that the product you choose includes fluoride. You can choose any flavor or brand you prefer, or you can even choose paste or gel. In fact, there are great kids options on the market which have glitter in them! That’ll convince them to brush!

Change your toothbrush every few months. This is a good way to make sure you aren’t just putting bacteria back into your mouth every time you go to brush your teeth. If you use an electric toothbrush, make sure that you replace the head of the brush every few months as well.

A great method of keeping your teeth in the best possible shape is to explore the possibility of having dental sealants applied. These protective coatings made of plastic materials are placed directly on the chewing surface of the teeth. In this way you can take a proactive step that can ward off the development of decay.

As you can see, dental care isn’t that hard! Just try the tips you’ve read in this article and you will see how much happier you and your teeth will be. A healthy smile depends on how well you take dental hygiene seriously. With a little bit of time and effort, a lifetime of healthy smiles awaits.